Our workplace training programs focus on promoting psychological safety and mental health awareness in the workplace.
We provide comprehensive training sessions to help employees and employers create a safe and supportive work environment.
Workshops and In-Service Training
Psychological Safety training and Mental Health Wellness
Attitudinal Audits
Team building in hybrid work settings
Lower absenteeism
Attract and retain talent
Improve workplace culture
Expand into new markets
Increase profitability
Peace in Action in the News
“Unless someone like you cares an awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
Dr. Seuss, The Loraxss, The Lorax
Meet the Team
Our founders, Professors Budd and Scillieri, have over 30 years’ experience in teaching Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, and Media, through a management lens. Professor Scillieri has done advocacy worldwide on issues of gender based violence. Dr. Budd has over 20 years’ experience in institutional assessment and the creation and development of organizational materials.